Walkabout Wheelchairs Donated to PAGIR and JSR Projects

Walkabout Wheelchairs Donated to PAGIR and JSR Projects

Massive thanks to the Walkabout Foundation who have very kindly agreed to donate 8 much needed wheelchairs to Lotus Flower Trust projects; 4 to our PAGIR Special Needs Centre in Ladakh, and likewise 4 to our JSR Residential School for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Ramnagar, India.

New Facilities at Nalanda School Complete

New Facilities at Nalanda School Complete

Thanks to a generous donation of £15,000 from Gebr. Heinemann and Estée Lauder, we are excited to announce that the much needed Dining Room, Kitchen, Toilets and Washing Facilities at Nalanda Primary School in Ladakh are now complete and look amazing. Most importantly, the teachers and children are delighted with the results!

New Workshop for Recycling Machine at PAGIR

New Workshop for Recycling Machine at PAGIR

A large workshop for the recycling machine, along with a warehouse for materials, are now completed at PAGIR - the People’s Action Group for Inclusion and Rights. A pioneer project which Lotus Flower Trust is so proud to have raised funds for, PAGIR is run by a community of people with various physical and mental special needs in Ladakh…