Walkabout Wheelchairs Donated to PAGIR and JSR Projects


Massive thanks to the Walkabout Foundation who have very kindly agreed to donate 8 much needed wheelchairs to Lotus Flower Trust projects; 4 to our PAGIR Special Needs Centre in Ladakh, and likewise 4 to our JSR Residential School for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Ramnagar, India.

The wheelchairs, shown above by a recipient of a Walkabout Wheelchair, have been carefully selected according to the individuals’ needs - either with a longer wheelbase and therefore more stable on rough terrain for Ladakh, or with a shorter wheelbase, but easier to manoeuvre indoors, for the children at JSR. These chairs will completely change the lives of the children and adults who will use them - they will hopefully be delivered in the next month or so. We can’t wait to see them in action!

Thank you so much again to the Walkabout Foundation!