Tell Us About Your Lotus Flower Trust Experience...

Winchester College Boys and Nuns Building Basgo Nunnery, Ladakh.jpg

Been out to India with Wincoll & Lotus Flower Trust in previous years?

We need your Feedback…

If you have fundraised, travelled and worked on one of our projects in India, please let us know what you gained from the experience. We’d love to hear your thoughts and discover what impact the trip has had on your life since then.

Please email, or fill in responses to the questions below:

1.      Which trip/project/year did you come to India with LFT? 

2.      What did you hope to gain or learn from the outset?

3.      What did you actually learn and please tell us about any additional lasting life skills you gained during and after the experience which have been of benefit to you? 

4.      What are your fondest/favourite memories from the trip?

5.      Would you recommend a trip with LFT to other young adults?  

6.      What would have improved your experience?

7.      Would you be willing to help LFT in the future: 

  • By offering voluntary skills, ie fundraising, marketing or any other?

If yes, please do contact

  • By contributing a monthly donation? This would make a huge difference to the continued support we hope to offer all our projects, as well as the day-to-day running of the charity. Any amount is gratefully received!

       If yes, please visit

Many thanks for your feedback which is very much appreciated, and all your support, ongoing and otherwise, for Lotus Flower Trust. Our aim is to ‘Change Lives Forever’ for the poor communities in India. We hope we also changed yours…

John Hunt, Lotus Flower Trust.