Dangerous School Desperately Needs Funds

Dangerous School Desperately Needs Funds

Despite the many struggles we face raising funds at the moment, nothing will stop us trying to help the children who attend this school, the Chaudhary Kanya Higher Secondary School, Mankua Village in Moradabad. It's a big ask but £100,000 is needed to refurbish the school which is in a dangerous state of repair. Can you help?

Be More John...

Be More John...

The Curse of the Bad Boss

Bad Bosses. We’ve all had ‘em, right? I’ve had some stinkers. My top 3 go like this:

1. ‘Miss Trunchball’, on the factory floor clutching her clipboard, who with a mirthful smile she could not suppress called out the names of each person she fired at the end of the day.

Progress Powers Ahead on Lotus Flower Trust Projects

Progress Powers Ahead on Lotus Flower Trust Projects

Lotus Flower Trust is proud to present the latest construction progress on three of our major projects:

The Residential Hostel at PAGIR Centre for Special Needs in Ladakh

The Boys Home at JSR Residential School for Special Needs in Ramnagar &

The Extension at the Montessori School in Pant Nagar…

Females Facing up to Acid Attacks: The Shocking Truth Behind the Horrific Effects of Revenge Crime in India

Females Facing up to Acid Attacks: The Shocking Truth Behind the Horrific Effects of Revenge Crime in India

Like 75 million others living below the poverty line in India, Kavita Bisht came from a poor family in a rural village in the state of Uttrakhand. She was beautiful, bright and full of potential but was forced to drop out of school to earn a wage as a farm labourer…

Is This the End for Remote Himalayan Villages?

Is This the End for Remote Himalayan Villages?

Please Help Us Save Himalayan Villages and Change Lives Forever

Global warming is causing mountain glaciers in the Himalayas to rapidly recede. This means that the water supply to remote villages becomes further and further away and creates a major challenge to the villagers who are unable to transport the water from the glaciers.